Vitaroofs stands for Choices in green roof design!



Green Roof Systems Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Extensive Green Roof

Light weight. Low cost. Low maintenance. Our pre-grown vegetation mat system is grown outdoors in Canada, guaranteeing a hardy, instant green roof right from the start.

Semi-intensive Green Roof

A variety of grasses, herbaceous plants, wild shrubs and coppices can be integrated in a Vitaroofs’ Semi-Intensive green roof system. The depth of the growing medium and maintenance requirement varies on the plant selection.

Intensive Green Roof

A variety of shrubs and coppices, grassed areas and selected trees can be used and require a greater depth of soil, making heavy demands on the structure. Regular maintenance is required – watering, fertilizing and weeding. This type of green roofing is typically built for recreational use.

Please contact us for a complete listing of Vitaroofs’ green roof system specifications, construction drawings and architectural renderings.




Increase Energy Savings

Living roofs provide the ecologically and economically important benefit of rooftop insulation to reduce the amount of energy used for building air conditioning. Green roofing acts as a barrier to thermal transfer of the sun’s energy through the roof.


Stormwater Management

Living roof systems have been shown to retain 60-100% of the rainfall they receive. Stormwater retention relieves excess volume from overburdened sewer systems and filters stormwater pollutants.

Speak to one of our living roof experts today… contact us.